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Dear patient, dear parents,

Welcome to our clinic. In this starter kit, you will find all the necessary instructions for your orthodontic treatment as well as a list of items that you can purchase at the pharmacy to use during your treatment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or information.

We are here to help you achieve the best aesthetic and functional result, but your cooperation is essential. We wish you success in your treatment and a perfect smile ahead.

Good luck!

Dr. Nguyen & his team wish you a speedy, comfortable and successful orthodontic journey

How to eat with braces

In most cases, you're allowed to eat everything! You will come to realize that orthodontic treatment is not a punishment. In general, 7 to 10 days are sufficient to get used to all this new arsenal.

Your teeth will be sensitive 2 or 3 days that follow each appointment, especially at the beginning of your treatment. During this time it's better if you eat softer foods. If the pain is too intense, you may take Tylenol, Advil at your discretion.



A softer diet (soup, jello, pasta, etc.) during the first few days will help you get accommodated more comfortably. It's essential for your treatment to succeed, that you follow the instructions given to you. The goal is to keep your brackets glued to your teeth and not to distort your wire, in order not to prolong your treatment.


  • You must cut into small pieces all hard foods, such as carrots and other raw vegetables, apples, pizza crust, pretzels or meat.

  • Avoid chewing directly into the following foods, instead let them melt in your mouth: Chips, ice, hard candies or pop corn. Corn niblets must be removed from the cob before eating the corn.

  • Foods to avoid: Gum, caramel and any sticky foods.


It's easy not to break your brackets

All you have to do is eliminate your habits (if you have any) like biting your nails, a pencil or any other objects. The brackets are glued on very solid. They are also tied to your wire and other orthodontic appliances. Consequently they are not unglued or deformed by simple force that is applied to move your teeth and jaw. If an appliance or bracket becomes unglued, opens or becomes deformed, this indicates that a great strength has been applied to this appliance. In majority of cases, this happens when you chew or bite down on something hard or sticky.


What do you do when you have unglued a bracket?

  • Don't panic! This happens mostly during the first few months of the treatment because your teeth are still not straight and a more flexible wire is used at the time. If possible, keep all the pieces that are loose.

  • If the loose pieces are causing pain or irritation, contact us to schedule an appointment. If you don't experience these symptoms, our team will still do the repair at your next appointment.

Reminder: An unglued bracket can put your treatment 2 months behind! Do not neglect this factor, because your treatment could risk a considerable delay.

Dentist visits

You must still visit your dentist every 6 months for an exam and cleaning.

Use of wax sticks

The wax sticks that are given to you once your braces were placed must not be used unless you feel irritation during the treatment.

Otherwise, the first 7-10 days is the adaptation period and you might feel irritation that should slowly diminish. Occasionally, an ulcer or commonly known as canker sore may appear on the lips or cheeks due to the irritation, which is entirely normal.

Use the wax with moderation during the first 7 to 10 days because the lips and cheeks will become accustomed and the irritation will disappear.

Afterwards, do not use the wax unless an ulcer appears.

How to use the wax

  1. Dry the area to ensure the wax sticks properly

  2. Take a small piece of wax and roll it into a ball

  3. Press the wax onto the spot to cover sharp edges

  4. Reapply as needed

How To Brush Your Teeth With « Braces »???


It is important to brush both your teeth and gums after each meal and before you go to bed(at least 3 times a day). The use of dental floss is necessary at least once a day (preferably in the evening, before brushing). Take the time to brush. Brushing properly 3 times is better than brushing quickly 10 times. An adequate brushing needs 10 to 15 minutes. Although a conventional brush by Oral-B is ok for the treatment you are receiving, a good quality electric toothbrush (that you can obviously keep after your treatment is finished) is highly recommended. You must also obtain 1) a brush in the shape of a pin tree called “proxa-brush”, and 2) floss threaders sold in pharmacies. The technique used to brush is important. The modification that you must apply to the conventional brushing is that you must brush under your bracket and over you bracket and always from the gum towards the end of your tooth, never brush upwards cause you risk sending all food particles and bacteria in your gums.


1. Place the brush flat on your gum and turn from the gum towards the  tooth multiple times.



2. Do the same movement starting under the brackets.


3. Brush from the top to the bottom with your proxa-brush, always away from the gum to the surface of the tooth in order not to hurt your gums.

4. Floss threaders are used as a sewing needle and simplifies to insert your floss under your orthodontic wire, between each pair of teeth. Once the floss is under the wire, slide it between the teeth in a conventional manner.

5. Floss properly between each tooth. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for all your teeth





GOOD LUCK! From Dr Nguyen and staff.


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